California Employment Lawyers Association
Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles
Orange County Bar Association
American Association for Justice
Avvo Rating - 10
Featured on The Lawyer Stories Podcast




塔瑪拉.菲滋律師能說流利的英語和俄語,陳韻華律師能說流利的國語和台語。我們向所有的潛在客戶提供免費的面談諮詢和合理的收費。我們願為以下地區的客戶提供專業的服務:加利福尼亞州洛杉磯縣、文拉縣、聖塔巴巴拉縣、橙縣、河邊縣、聖貝納迪諾縣、內陸帝國縣、弗雷斯諾縣,科恩縣,聖地亞哥縣和舊金山灣區。 disability

塔瑪拉.菲滋律師事務所有多個辦公地點,分別位於交通便利的比佛利山莊、爾灣 和聖地亞哥


Client Reviews
I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for all of the hard work and dedication that led to yesterday's outcome. I really truly appreciate all that you have done over the last two years. The good guys prevailed!!! You really do provide a valuable service to the world in protecting the rights of good people who have been harmed. And it's always nice when we can make money while also doing good in the world. Rick